Product Design

Product designs from User Experience Sketches to Digital & Physical Designs. A collection of work involving decisions and completion of projects. While many of the projects may no longer exist, the decisions made and the research done tells a story of my journey in helping people create an online presence in this changing world.

Apps, Website & Physical Product Designs
Language: English+Korean
Date 2015-PRESENT

Tags: web design, design, brand identity, marketing, 3d, digital art, creative direction, composition, lighting, observation, staging, project, webflow, squarespace, wix


A Premium Golf & Resorts business that needed a revamp in branding and website for prospective investing for golf memberships.

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Role Lead Product, Brand, & Web Designer
The Bella 45 Golf Resort website redesign led to a 3,917% increase in user sessions and a 63% reduction in presentation times, significantly contributing to $100M in memberships and demonstrating the effectiveness of data-driven UX design in the luxury resort industry.
Date 2022

Deliverables: Brand & Identity Design, Messaging, Brand & Marketing Strategy, Digital Design, Mockups, User Experience Design, Illustrations, Wix Website Development


Strategic positioning of luxury gifting brand with a positive image. better world with media.

Role Lead Product Designer & Art Director
Led creative team for the US online presence touch points including website & social media: from brand voice strategy, production of website design and active social media maintenance.

Our goal was to create an online brand voice for a new touch tool product. Initially, the product and logo was created in collaboration with a Korean Design Agency, but it lacked a branding strategy to sell the products online in the US. Our challenge was to pinpoint correct customer demographics and create conversion points by shaping a branding system fit for its e-commerce and social media platforms customers.
Date 2019-2020

Deliverables: Online Branding, Messaging, Brand & Marketing Strategy, Digital Design, Mockups, User Experience Design, Shopify Website Development, Amazon Brand Store, Social Media Marketing & Ads

Praise Mask

A beauty brand that encourages women to find their beauty identity and live it out in an everyday look.

Premiered on Vietnam Popular Reality TV Show – 13M Views

Role Creative Director
Directed a creative team in brand creation from its first products to its online brand presence. The project sought to create a beauty brand, the team started from conceptualization to final product and branded online form.
Date 2019

Deliverables: Brand & Identity Design, Messaging, Brand & Marketing Strategy, Illustration Design, Collateral Design, Digital Design, User Experience Design, Website Development, Product Design & Production, Social Media Marketing

Salon Bar

Branding for a Beauty Parlor – Elegance in the local community and unparalleled online presence.

Role Creative Director
Directed branding from concept with mood boards and style scapes to the production of a new website design and active social media maintenance. Increased website sessions by 385%, user retention by 289%, and page view by 791% in the first 3 months and elevated online presence on Google.
Date 2017-2018

Deliverables: Brand & Identity Design, Messaging, Brand & Marketing Strategy, Collateral Design Production, Digital Design, User Experience Design, Website Development, Online Presence Management